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General Information

 Commonly Asked Questions 
Q. What is a Board Meeting?
A. A Board Meeting is a business meeting held in public for the purpose of administrating the schools of the district.  The public observes the proceedings and may only participate in specially prescribed times or when the President deems it necessary.
Q. What is a Board member?
A. A Board member is an elected official chosen to represent the citizens of Griffith. The Board member elected focuses on the school district’s vision and mission and adopts policies for the smooth running of the schools.
Q. What does a Board member do?
A. A Board member adopts policies, approves budgets, approves the hiring of staff and establishes an administrative team to run the schools.
Q. How may I participate in a Board Meeting?
A. Members of the public are always encouraged to attend Board Meetings.  They may also speak on topics of interest or on agenda items during the fifteen (15)- minute public participation section on the agenda.
There is also an opportunity for the public to share positive comments and to provide announcements at the end of each meeting.
The public is welcome to review the budgets and any other item following Board action (except personnel issues) and may do so by contacting the Superintendent of Schools.
Members of the public may request to have an item placed on the agenda by contacting the Superintendent at least four (4) days in advance.  The Superintendent will confer with the Board president and will notify the requesting individual of the decision as to whether or not the item will be publicly declared.
If you wish to participate, we ask that you sign the clipboard prior to the meeting.  You will, in most instances, be provided 3-minutes to speak.  If there are many that wish to speak, the president may limit the time to afford others the opportunity to speak.
Q. What if I have questions?
A. You are welcome to call the Superintendent of Schools directly at 924-4250.
Q. Do I have a right to view the agenda before the meeting?
A. Yes, and if you wish, you may speak with the staff about it as well.
Q. Where may I review policies regarding the operation of the Board of School Trustees?
A. You may view the policies on the corporation web site. Individuals wishing to view bylaws and administrative policies would review the 0000 and 1000 sections, although the entire policy manual is available for viewing.

Requirements for Closed
Executive Sessions 
There are times when the Board of School Trustees is allowed to meet in closed executive session.  The following topics may be discussed:
·          where authorized by state statute
·          discussion of strategy with respect to collective bargaining, initiation of litigation, litigation which is pending or has been threatened in writing, implementation of security system, purchase or lease of real property, providing the strategy is for bargaining or competitive reasons
·          for discussion of the assessment, design, and/or implementation of school safety and security measures, plans and systems
·          to receive information about and interview, prospective employees
·          with respect to any individual over whom the Board has jurisdiction, receive information concerning the individual’s alleged misconduct, and to discuss prior to determination, that individual’s status as an employee, student, or independent contractor who is a physician or a  school bus driver
·          discussion of records classified as confidential by Federal or State statute
·          discussion, before any placement decision, an individual student’s abilities, past performance, behavior and needs
·          discussion of an employee’s job performance evaluation
·          when considering the appointment of a public official, develop a list of prospective appointees, consider application and make one (1) initial exclusion of prospective appointees from further consideration
·          training of Board members by an outside consultant on performance of their role as public officials and/or discussion with or between county official, Board members and an outside consultant concerning the performance of Board members.
The Board may not make decisions in a closed executive session and may only act upon issues generated during a public session.  Personnel issues are the most common reason for Boards to meet in closed session and at no time may they discuss personnel issues publicly.